Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Northern Heart (Kingdom Curses 2) by Sasha L. Miller

Several weeks ago Emmerich saved the royal family—but at great cost to himself. He keeps going into trances and wandering off, and the problem is getting worse. If they don't figure out a solution soon, whatever's wrong will kill him. As if that's not enough, the person stuck babysitting him is a man he desperately wishes had wanted him for more than one night.

Pearce is at his wits end trying to save the man he cares about. Nothing he tries helps for more than a moment, and each time Emmerich falls asleep and slips into a trance, bringing him back out requires greater and greater magic—if the trance doesn't kill him first, waking him most certainly will. 

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My Review:     (Thanks to NetGalley) 

When I started this book I had no idea that it was the second book in a series. It was only after a lot of confusion in the first third (lots of references to previous events) that I stopped and looked up on Goodreads to see if it was a sequel. 

I don't know if things were better explained in the first book, but in this one not much was explained (which is stupid considering how much time is between two books in a series being published, give readers a refresher!). What are nodes? What are hearts? Are the hearts physical, magical or both? What was the world situation (realms etc) and how was the royal family structured? Etc, etc.
Confusion = annoyance and boredom. 

As for the actual story, the book was a very long way of resolving one problem. That was it. It really felt more like a novella, or perhaps it should have been compressed down into a couple of chapters of a longer book with more plot elements and story/character developments.

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