Medium Jacob Wytch lives in the forest with his fluffy dog Gruff and his ghostly fairy godmother Amelie. When he gets a call from his friend Renwick Prinze, he panics. Jacob has been pining for Renwick longer than he cares to admit. Instead of admitting, however, he listens to Amelie and begins to sabotage Renwick's beds in hopes of inviting his dashing friend to sleep with him.
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My Review: (Thanks to NetGalley)
This book was weird. It was like the author wrote a full size book retelling the fairytale of 'The Princess and the Pea', then decided to make bullet points of what happened, and presented the bullet points as the story instead. This mean't that it really felt like nothing happened.
Everything was compressed or glossed over. Mentions of tours for his ghostly abilities, but in the book he doesn't leave his house. There is only one ghost in the story and it can't seem to remember what it's limitations are (at one point, it moved a book when apparently ghost cant touch things?)
The editor really needed to say, "this is a great idea, now go and expand it into an actual book".
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